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Credit Ratings

MMFSL – Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings – 23 January 2025

Credit Ratings – 17 January 2025

MMFSL – Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings – 18 December 2024

Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings – 17 December 2024

MMFSL Re-affirmation of Credit Ratings – 18 November 2024

Debt Disclosures

Debenture Trustee

address icon

Axis Trustee Services Limited

The Ruby, 2nd Floor , SW,
29 Senapati Bapat Marg,
Dadar West,
Mumbai- 400 028.

Telephones (022) 6230 0437

E-mail: debenturetrustee@axistrustee.com

FAX: (022) 6230 0700

website: http://complaints@axistrustee.com

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Intimation – NCD Interest Payment – January 31 , 2025

Reg 54 Security Cover Certificate – 28 Jan 2025

NCD Utilisation & Deviation Statement for December 2024 – 28 Jan 2025

Intimation – CP Payment January 23, 2025

Intimation – NCD Interest Payment – January 27 , 2025

Intimation – NCD Interest Payment – January 16 , 2025

CP Utilization for the quarter ended 31st December 2024 – 10th January 2025

Intimation – CP Record Date Feb 25 – Jan 07 2025

Letters to Debenture Holders

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Umbrella Debenture Trustee Agreement – Secured debentures

Umbrella Debenture Trustee Agreement – Subordinate debenture

Statement of Unclaimed Amounts lying in Escrow Account of the Company

As on 31/12/2024


Statement of Unclaimed Matured Debentures/ Interest on Debentures/ Application Money to be transferred to IEPF

Please check your unclaimed Matured Debentures/ Interest on Debentures/ Application Money,
if any, in the below tab and contact the Company’s RTA at einward.ris@kfintech.com to claim the same and avoid any transfer to IEPF.

Information for Debentures

Public Debt of NCD-FY

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Please read this notice carefully – it applies to all persons who view this site.

The materials placed herein are so placed pursuant to Chapter VIII of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, as amended, and are not intended to nor constitute an invitation to subscribe or a solicitation to offer to subscribe to the securities referred therein.

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The securities being referred to herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any U.S. state securities laws. Accordingly, subject to certain exceptions, such securities may not be offered, sold or otherwise transferred in or into the United States. The information and document contained behind these screens should not be viewed by any persons resident or physically located in the United States.

The placement referred to herein is being made in reliance upon Chapter VIII of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, as amended, and is meant only for qualified institutional buyers (as defined in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, as amended) on a private placement basis and is not an offer to the public or to any other class of investors to sell, solicit or recommend the sale or purchase of securities. The public cannot subscribe to the issue since it is a private placement.

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Please read this notice carefully – it applies to all persons who view this site.

The materials placed herein are so placed pursuant to the SEBI Regulations and are not intended to nor constitute an invitation to subscribe or a solicitation to offer to subscribe to the securities referred therein. Unless a pre-numbered placement document accompanied by an application form is addressed to a specific person inviting such person to make a bid through such application form, no offer and/or invitation of offer shall be deemed to have been made.

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The securities being referred to herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any U.S. state securities laws. Accordingly, subject to certain exceptions, such securities may not be offered, sold or otherwise transferred in or into the United States. The information and document contained behind these screens should not be viewed by any persons resident or physically located in the United States.

The placement referred to herein is being made in reliance upon the SEBI Regulations and is meant only for qualified institutional buyers (as defined in the SEBI Regulations) on a private placement basis and is not an offer to the public or to any other class of investors to sell, solicit or recommend the sale or purchase of securities. The public cannot subscribe to the issue since it is a private placement.

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Valuation of Market Linked Debentures

Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited issues Rated, Listed, Secured, Redeemable & Principal Protected Non-Convertible Market Linked Debentures (PPMLDs).

Please review the relevant offer document / memorandum of private placement / pricing supplement relating to the specific PPMLDs for details on the PPMLDs including their risk factors.

As per the guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products / Market Linked Debentures dated September 28, 2011 issued by SEBI, depending on the valuation agency mentioned in the offer document / memorandum of private placement / pricing supplement; latest and historical valuations provided by the valuation agent will be available as below :

If Brickwork is Valuation Agency:http://www.brickworksanalytics.com/Valuation.aspx

If CARE Risk Solutions Private Limited is Valuation Agency: https://www.carerisksolutions.com/file-share

As on 31-12-2024

ISIN Amount lying Unclaimed (in INR) Category (Interest/ Dividend/ Redemption amount) No. of investors Date when amount became due (dd/mm/yyyy) Date when unclaimed amount was transferred to Escrow Account (dd/mm/yyyy) Date when amount is to be transferred to IPEF (dd/mm/yyyy)
INE774D08MI9 540 Interest 1 01/04/2018 07/10/2021 01/04/2025
INE774D08MK5 2200 Interest 2 01/04/2018 07/10/2021 01/04/2025
INE774D08MM1 554 Interest 1 01/04/2018 07/10/2021 01/04/2025
INE774D08MI9 5103 Interest 3 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D08MK5 800 Interest 1 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D08MM1 805 Interest 1 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D08MI9 4318 Interest 3 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D08MK5 9600 Interest 3 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D08MM1 1288 Interest 2 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D08MI9 17270 Interest 2 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D08MK5 1600 Interest 2 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D08MM1 805 Interest 1 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D08MI9 785 Interest 1 01/04/2022 12/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D08MI9 15700 Interest 1 01/04/2022 21/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D08MK5 1600 Interest 2 01/04/2022 21/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D08MM1 805 Interest 1 01/04/2022 21/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D08MI9 17270 Interest 3 01/04/2023 24/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D08MK5 9600 Interest 3 01/04/2023 24/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D08MM1 805 Interest 1 01/04/2023 24/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D07SS7 55930 Interest 19 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D07SU3 36143 Interest 6 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D07SW9 20460 Interest 6 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D08MP4 7600 Interest 2 01/04/2019 07/10/2021 01/04/2026
INE774D07SS7 397749 Interest 27 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D07SU3 56639 Interest 7 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D07SW9 86955 Interest 7 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D08MP4 17100 Interest 3 01/04/2020 07/10/2021 01/04/2027
INE774D07SS7 147515 Interest 10 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D07SU3 18300 Interest 2 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D07SW9 12090 Interest 1 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D08MP4 24225 Interest 4 01/04/2021 07/10/2021 01/04/2028
INE774D07SS7 85975 Interest 3 01/04/2022 12/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D07SU3 9150 Interest 1 01/04/2022 12/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D07SS7 19005 Interest 6 01/04/2022 28/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D07SU3 48038 Interest 2 01/04/2022 28/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D08MP4 12350 Interest 2 01/04/2022 28/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D07SS7 160674 Redemption 5 18/04/2022 28/07/2022 08/05/2029
INE774D08MP4 9500 Interest 1 01/04/2023 11/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D07SU3 125813 Interest 8 01/04/2023 25/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D07SW9 37195 Interest 4 01/04/2023 25/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D08MP4 12350 Interest 2 01/04/2023 25/07/2023 08/05/2030
INE774D08LS0 6731 Interest 2 06/03/2018 07/10/2021 06/03/2025
INE774D08LU6 1290 Interest 1 06/03/2018 07/10/2021 06/03/2025
INE774D08LS0 430 Interest 1 06/06/2018 07/10/2021 06/06/2025
INE774D08LW2 36270 Interest 4 06/06/2018 07/10/2021 06/06/2025
INE774D08LY8 2200 Interest 1 06/06/2018 07/10/2021 06/06/2025
INE774D08MA6 76860 Interest 8 06/06/2018 07/10/2021 06/06/2025
INE774D08LS0 430 Interest 1 06/09/2018 07/10/2021 06/09/2025
INE774D08LQ4 1473 Interest 2 06/12/2018 07/10/2021 06/12/2025
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/12/2018 07/10/2021 06/12/2025
INE774D08LQ4 1041 Interest 1 06/03/2019 07/10/2021 06/03/2026
INE774D08LS0 947 Interest 2 06/03/2019 07/10/2021 06/03/2026
INE774D08LU6 538 Interest 1 06/03/2019 07/10/2021 06/03/2026
INE774D08LS0 968 Interest 2 06/06/2019 07/10/2021 06/06/2026
INE774D08LW2 8700 Interest 1 06/06/2019 07/10/2021 06/06/2026
INE774D08MA6 150750 Interest 8 06/06/2019 07/10/2021 06/06/2026
INE774D08LS0 965 Interest 2 06/09/2019 07/10/2021 06/09/2026
INE774D08LU6 877 Interest 1 06/09/2019 07/10/2021 06/09/2026
INE774D08LS0 10498 Interest 3 06/12/2019 07/10/2021 06/12/2026
INE774D08LU6 4119 Interest 3 06/12/2019 07/10/2021 06/12/2026
INE774D08LQ4 1049 Interest 1 06/03/2020 07/10/2021 06/03/2027
INE774D08LS0 954 Interest 2 06/03/2020 07/10/2021 06/03/2027
INE774D08LU6 9063 Interest 9 06/03/2020 07/10/2021 06/03/2027
INE774D08LS0 10912 Interest 3 06/06/2020 07/10/2021 06/06/2027
INE774D08LU6 1978 Interest 2 06/06/2020 07/10/2021 06/06/2027
INE774D08LW2 5916 Interest 2 06/06/2020 07/10/2021 06/06/2027
INE774D08MA6 156015 Interest 12 06/06/2020 07/10/2021 06/06/2027
INE774D08LQ4 1075 Interest 1 06/09/2020 07/10/2021 06/09/2027
INE774D08LS0 8585 Interest 4 06/09/2020 07/10/2021 06/09/2027
INE774D08LU6 3089 Interest 3 06/09/2020 07/10/2021 06/09/2027
INE774D08LQ4 3156 Interest 1 06/12/2020 07/10/2021 06/12/2027
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/12/2020 07/10/2021 06/12/2027
INE774D08LU6 12827 Interest 4 06/12/2020 07/10/2021 06/12/2027
INE774D08LQ4 3087 Interest 1 06/03/2021 07/10/2021 06/03/2028
INE774D08LS0 936 Interest 2 06/03/2021 07/10/2021 06/03/2028
INE774D08LU6 2955 Interest 3 06/03/2021 07/10/2021 06/03/2028
INE774D08LS0 10758 Interest 3 06/06/2021 07/10/2021 06/06/2028
INE774D08LU6 2200 Interest 3 06/06/2021 07/10/2021 06/06/2028
INE774D08LW2 11166 Interest 3 06/06/2021 07/10/2021 06/06/2028
INE774D08MA6 148367 Interest 7 06/06/2021 07/10/2021 06/06/2028
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/09/2021 27/12/2021 13/10/2028
INE774D08LU6 1935 Interest 2 06/09/2021 27/12/2021 13/10/2028
INE774D08LQ4 15316 Interest 1 06/12/2021 24/03/2022 12/01/2029
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/12/2021 24/03/2022 12/01/2029
INE774D08LU6 5088 Interest 4 06/12/2021 24/03/2022 12/01/2029
INE774D08LW2 18781 Redemption 1 06/12/2021 24/03/2022 12/01/2029
INE774D08MC2 152447 Redemption 1 06/12/2021 24/03/2022 12/01/2029
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/03/2022 27/06/2022 12/04/2029
INE774D08LU6 3914 Interest 4 06/03/2022 27/06/2022 12/04/2029
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/06/2022 30/09/2022 13/07/2029
INE774D08LU6 3022 Interest 4 06/06/2022 30/09/2022 13/07/2029
INE774D08LY8 17552 Interest 1 06/06/2022 30/09/2022 13/07/2029
INE774D08MA6 318940 Interest 16 06/06/2022 30/09/2022 13/07/2029
INE774D08LS0 968 Interest 2 06/09/2022 31/12/2022 13/10/2029
INE774D08LU6 7144 Interest 7 06/09/2022 31/12/2022 13/10/2029
INE774D08LS0 957 Interest 2 06/12/2022 29/03/2023 12/01/2030
INE774D08LU6 5631 Interest 6 06/12/2022 29/03/2023 12/01/2030
INE774D08LS0 947 Interest 2 06/03/2023 30/06/2023 12/04/2030
INE774D08LU6 3419 Interest 5 06/03/2023 30/06/2023 12/04/2030
INE774D08LU6 3485 Interest 4 06/06/2023 16/09/2023 13/07/2030
INE774D08MA6 183042 Interest 14 06/06/2023 16/09/2023 13/07/2030
INE774D08LS0 45968 Redemption 2 06/06/2023 16/09/2023 13/07/2030
INE774D08ME8 86230 Redemption 1 06/06/2023 16/09/2023 13/07/2030
INE774D08LU6 5882 Interest 5 06/09/2023 26/12/2023 13/10/2030
INE774D07SU3 585868 Redemption 5 18/01/2024 02/05/2024 24/02/2031
INE774D08LU6 2146 Interest 2 06/03/2024 12/06/2024 12/04/2031
INE774D08MI9 14994 Interest 3 01/04/2024 11/07/2024 08/05/2031
INE774D08MK5 10000 Interest 3 01/04/2024 11/07/2024 08/05/2031
INE774D08MM1 1047 Interest 2 01/04/2024 11/07/2024 08/05/2031
INE774D07SW9 97650 Interest 4 01/04/2024 11/07/2024 08/05/2031
INE774D08MP4 53865 Interest 4 01/04/2024 11/07/2024 08/05/2031
INE774D08LU6 1077 Interest 1 06/06/2024 16/09/2024 13/07/2031
INE774D08MA6 221760 Interest 14 06/06/2024 16/09/2024 13/07/2031
INE774D08MI9 801447 Redemption 6 24/07/2024 04/11/2024 30/08/2031
INE774D08LU6 7561 Interest 1 06/09/2024 16/12/2024 13/10/2031
Total 4875204

Name and designation of the Nodal Officer: Ms. Brijbala Batwal, Company Secretary

Email ID and Phone No.: MMFSL.DEBENTUREHELPLINE@mahindra.com (022) 6652 6000 / (022) 66523531

As on 31-12-2024

Due date of payment Amount remaining unclaimed on initial transfer to Escrow A/c No. of Investors to whom unclaimed amount was payable Number of valid requests received for claiming unclaimed amount(s) No. of requests processed Amounts paid pursuant to receipt of request (Rs.) No. of requests pending Unclaimed amount pending (Rs.)
06/12/2016 210 1 1 1 210 0 0
09/03/2017 208 1 0 0 0 0 0
06/06/2017 71578 15 12 12 65468 0 0
06/09/2017 1707 3 0 0 0 0 0
06/12/2017 1490 2 1 1 1065 0 0
06/03/2018 9075 4 1 1 1054 0 8021
06/06/2018 143528 20 6 6 27768 0 115760
06/09/2018 430 1 0 0 0 0 430
06/12/2018 2430 4 0 0 0 0 2430
06/03/2019 2526 4 0 0 0 0 2526
06/06/2019 166226 13 2 2 5808 0 160418
06/09/2019 1842 3 0 0 0 0 1842
06/12/2019 18859 7 1 1 4242 0 14617
06/03/2020 42879 13 1 1 31813 0 11066
06/06/2020 202809 25 6 6 27988 0 174821
06/09/2020 12749 8 0 0 0 0 12749
06/12/2020 16940 7 0 0 0 0 16940
06/03/2021 6978 6 0 0 0 0 6978
06/06/2021 304284 25 9 9 131793 0 172491
06/09/2021 11493 6 2 2 8601 0 2892
06/12/2021 895907 15 6 6 703318 0 192589
06/03/2022 9124 7 1 1 4253 0 4871
06/06/2022 2231004 38 15 12 1890533 0 340471
06/09/2022 9211 10 1 1 1099 0 8112
06/12/2022 7675 9 1 1 1087 0 6588
06/03/2023 5441 8 1 1 1075 0 4366
06/06/2023 2407123 26 5 5 2088398 0 318725
06/09/2023 9607 9 4 4 3725 0 5882
01/04/2018 3294 4 0 0 0 0 3294
01/04/2019 4745 4 0 0 0 0 4745
01/04/2020 15206 8 0 0 0 0 15206
01/04/2021 21638 6 0 0 0 0 21638
01/04/2022 421390 6 1 1 402500 0 18890
01/04/2023 67675 8 1 1 40000 0 27675
24/07/2017 3381 6 0 0 0 0 0
01/04/2019 120133 33 0 0 0 0 120133
01/04/2020 760863 50 6 6 202420 0 558443
01/04/2021 387550 24 7 7 185420 0 202130
01/04/2022 369369 20 6 6 194851 0 174518
18/04/2022 1407911 14 6 6 1247237 0 160674
01/04/2023 468928 19 5 5 284070 0 184858
18/01/2024 85270 1 1 1 85270 0 0
18/01/2024 745750 6 1 1 159882 0 585868
06/03/2024 2146 2 0 0 0 0 2146
01/04/2024 184621 17 1 1 7065 0 177556
06/06/2024 222837 15 0 0 0 0 222837
24/07/2024 801447 6 0 0 0 0 801447
06/09/2024 7561 1 0 0 0 0 7561
Total 12695048 7808013 4875204

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