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Commercial Vehicle Loan EMI: How Is It Calculated?


by Mahindra Finance


October 11, 2023


1 mins read

To calculate your Commercial Vehicle Loan EMI manually, you can use this formula:

EMI = [P x R x (1+R)^N]/[(1+R)^N-1]

  • P represents the loan amount.
  • R is the monthly interest rate (annual interest rate divided by 12).
  • N denotes the loan tenure in months.

For example, if you take a commercial vehicle loan of ₹10,00,000 at an interest rate of 10% per annum for a term of 5 years, your monthly EMI would be:

EMI = [1000000 x 0.1/12 x (1+0)]

EMI = ₹8333.33

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